It is offical....Aidyn has moved to Wisconsin. What an adventure to say the least. Michael and I have finally gotten everything into a storage unit and are in Bayfield, Wisconsin. A bit tired and weary but feeling really good about this new journey that lies ahead for us all.
I wanted to take this entry to thank every single person in Santa Fe that has changed our lives. If I listed them all this blog would be pages long, but I felt it was really important for us both to let you all know how much you truly mean to us.
Santa Fe is a magical place, and it was a perfect fit for us for these past three years, we met a community that took us in and showed us the Santa Fe way. My place of work, the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, has always been special to me and my photography. The healing community led Michael down an amazing road for his current career in Massage Therapy and he is incredibly thankful for that education. Bringing Aidyn into the world, while in Santa Fe, was an honor. The doctors, my doula, and our friends made having Aidyn such an even more amazing experience. Especially knowing that our families were 1300 miles all became our family.
The friends are what made Santa Fe home for us. We will forever charish every single one of you...more than words can ever do justice. Thank you all for your constant love, support, and guidance, and even though we are now 1300 miles away from you all...that does not mean we will not be back! We promise that!
Love and hugs to you all!