Michael and Aidyn got to have some great bonding moments! We took our friend Leo's advise and introduced Aidyn to the shower. He loved the water, in fact, he fell asleep in Michael's arms. Good to see our son loves water! Yeah!
We have also introduced the bottle to Aidyn. We are feeding him with breastmilk in a bottle once a day. It is great for both him and Michael to have that time together. He took to the bottle very well and they had a great time. Though it only takes about 1o minutes for him to finish a bottle, he is quite the eater!
Everyone is healthy and well here, almost one month old! Amazing how time flies!
how sweet! looks like everyone is thriving :-) good advice on the shower, it was our respite for sure (and still is some days!).
be well!
I love the shower pic! Surreal, but beautiful. And to see Aidyn's little hands holding on to the bottle - oh, my. But what wonderful bonding time for dad and son. Love and miss you all tons - ma
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