Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dog and Baby

So, we have been noticing Fisher, wondering what it will be like for him to become the second focus in the whole family dynamic. For some reason, I think he knows this, he knows something with me is different. He stares at my tummy, and even when I lie down with him he tends to paw at my tummy...actually more like punch....a since of jealousy already??? So, we are giving him the extra love right now. I know without hesitation he is going to be great with the baby, even entertaining at that, he is already a ham. Enjoy the pics!


Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

he knows! oscar, our cat, was obsessive about curling up next to (or on!) my belly when i was pregnant. he clearly knew. and when we brought isa home, he also clearly knew then that he was now second fiddle. there was an adjustment period... that included bringing live squirrels and birds into the house, just to show us how talented he was. glad that phase passed!!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

and also... i cant get your bum genious link to work (is it just me?). are you gonna try them? i wanna know what you think when you do, as i have wanted to give them a try for ages but just cant justify it. they look fabulous!!!