Sunday, October 26, 2008

Movin' and Groovin'!

Are we ready? Are we remotely ready for this next stage....the walking...which actually really just turns to running? I am honestly not sure...not much we can really do about it though...cuz this kid is on the MOVE! He is not actually walking on his own yet, pushing things, walking against walls, and with mom and dad holding on. He is a determined kid though! I am placing bets for Thanksgiving, I have a feeling by that point he will be walking.

He is doing amazingly well, eating a TON! He loves all food, I actually can not think of one thing he is not liking right now. He is sleeping like a champ and has two top teeth now..thank god...that was a rough go for a couple of weeks.

Michael and I are doing well, we are constantly busy. Michael is working hard at being a stay at home dad, and doing amazing at it...a wee bit tired (actually totally knackered) and I am enjoying school more than I ever thought I would. Who would have thunk I would get such a kick out of waxing and popping zits.

We are very much looking forward to our next adventure in Bayfield. Enso Wellness Center and Day Spa is slowing getting going. We should be up and running by February. We have been working hard on marketing, promos and the website, for sure we will keep you all posted.

Sending tons of love to you all. Enjoy the pics and the video too!

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