Wednesday, July 18, 2007

12 Weeks.....we made it through the first trimester!

We made it! We got through the first three months with no worries at all! I think it is more of a relief to be able to share the news with people than anything. We got back from vacation and I got to go to work and share the news with everyone. I large sigh of relief to not have to hold that secret any longer with the people you spend the most time with. Everyone is very excited and are all taking very good care of me.

We had our 12 week appointment, all was healthy and well. Michael got to hear the heartbeat, that was so great!

Here is a picture of me, you will notice I will be in the same clothing and spot for every picture for the coming weeks. We have decided it would be a ton of fun to make a flip book of my tummy getting bigger! That is going to be a hoot!

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