Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weeks 16 & 17

Weeks 16 & 17, nothing to exciting here. I am feeling very good and the energy seems to be coming back. I have found my appetite is getting better, I seem to always have something on hand.

Michael and I went to the doctor on Wednesday and all was well. The heartbeat is strong. I find the doctors appointments very interesting, it is sort of an in and out thing, nothing to dramatically exciting, not that I am complaining at all. I think one has these huge expectations of what it will be like, and really it is just a natural process that woman all go through.

The summer is flying by in Santa Fe, Michael has gone to Alaska for three weeks, one week of fishing with my dad and then a two week contract with NOLS and 8 astronauts. He is thrilled to be back up there, and I am quite jealous.

When Michael returns we will have our 20 week ultrasound, that will be great! I should start to feel movement these coming weeks, I will keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better now...

I guess for those of us who have never had children that we expect that our doctors appoitments will all be these oh so exciting emotional moments, when for the doctor it is something they see about 20 times a day. It's still special for you though!

I am getting more and more excited for you! :-)

la mamita said...

woot! woot! you look pretty hot for a pregnant lady ;-)

so excited, so excited!

hey, i can't get your better for babies link to work. might wanna check it. i want to see those dipes!

be well and be in touch!!
