Sunday, November 18, 2007

32/33 Weeks

I hit 32 weeks, and had a great doc appointment, I am healthy as well as the baby. My doctor was very entertained to find that the baby is extremely active, when she was listening to the heart rate it was rolling all over the place. It has been amazing to watch, my placenta is posterior, which it is pushing the baby closer to the surface, hence I have my own baby T.V., watching it roll, kick, and punch. My belly is presently measuring at 32.5 inches...and growin'!
The little bean is about 15 1/4 inches long and about 3.5 me, feeling like a bit more than that, but we shall see. He/she can move his/her head from side to side now, and is responsive to noise. Michael, being the massage therapist has been very good to me, and also is loving watching the baby move and tries regularly to figure out what is the head, butt, and legs. It is pretty damn funny.

Ok, so the other pictures are sorta out of order. Michael and I had the pleasure of having my mom come visit for a couple of days. It was great to have that time with her. It is hard to have the family so far away as we go through this process. But, we got to include her in the fun of getting our crib and setting it up. PAINLESS! It was a breeze to put together, or you should really ask that to my mom and Michael as I did not do much but watch. It is set up and is rather amazing to wake up in the morning and see this crib staring me in the face....a major reality check, that is for sure.

The picture of Michael adorning lots of baby stuff, is from our first shower. He is very excited about all of this, and I think the hat looks pretty darn cute.

We are having a great time, and are looking forward to coming to Wisconsin in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, we hope everyone has a GREAT TURKEY DAY!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Seriously kids! You need to take a video of your belly moving if it's that obvious... I would LOVE to see that! :-)

As always you couldn't look more beautiful! I love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!

Anonymous said...

are you two coming home for thanksgiving break?? i would love to see you both! (well all three of you)
: )
glad to hear everything is well!