Monday, August 13, 2007

19 Weeks!

Here is 19 weeks, not much to show for it right now. I ventured out this weekend to the land of maternity clothing. All I can really say to that is HOLY CRAP! It is possibly one of the most impossible things to grasp. I mean I am all about getting big, but how does one really estimate how big they might get, and how much they are willing to spend on clothing that they might wear for one year. Thanks to some friends I have gotten some hand me downs, but I do admit when it comes to pants I am kinda mother would be proud that I admit that, she has nightmares of shopping with me when I was little refusing to wear corduroys because of the swooshing sound they made when one walks.

So a friend and I went to the mall in search of some pants. The department stores have maternity clothing online, but when you arrive at the store, they do not carry maternity clothing in the store. Now why would one not carry maternity clothing in the store...I mean this is the point at which a woman is rather self conscious to begin with and to not be able to try something is slightly frustrating...instead you can go online guess what you think is right, order it and then try it on realizing you look like a whale in those jeans so you pay to ship them back and start all over...that is NOT remotely what I wanted to do.

I did find the BabyGap, they sell maternity clothing and it was successful, at least finding pants that fit was the successful part. Deciding that I would spend $50 on them was the bummer. People will just have to get used to me in the same three pairs of pants for the next year. I am sure you are all fine with that. By the way, I figured out why they put the women's maternity clothing in the BabyGap, see there are all these amazingly cute baby clothes and since your hormones are totally out of wack every little freakin baby thing is adorable and you can not help but pick up those $32 overalls for a baby just can not wait and have to have them. This is why you take a friend with you who is not a mom or pregnant, they keep you in check. I got out baby clothing free! Yeah me!

All in all, I have a found it to be a hysterical journey and in all reality it was not that bad, but I do find it to be amazing how this industry is booming! I mean you could honestly spend thousands of dollars on clothing...and you have not even started to buy clothing for your child yet...that is a whole other blog!

Hugs to you all, and I hope everyone is well. Chat with you next week.


la mamita said...

you're almost half way there! whoa! can you believe it!?

as for maternity clothes, oh dear. i found alot of stuff that was cute (and cheap, which is KEY) at old navy. two words: yoga pants. or two more words: gaucho pants. seriously. that big ole waist will be so nice in the coming months.

as for baby clothes, yeah, that's like a whole other universe. guard your wallet!

be well sista...

Anonymous said...

Oh my... do you realize that in about 5 months you are going to be a mommy??? Wow! This is finally starting to be real for those of us so very far away.
And, remember you have so many friends and family that will be ready to spoil this kid crazy, that you won't need to buy anything :-)

Love you sista!