Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hooter Hiders

I thought that might catch your attention. This is great! I had to put this on our blog, mostly because of the name, but also cuz it is such a great idea. Someone out there is thinkin'! Check out the website. I am definately going to register for one of these!!!!

The cool thing about them is there is a rigid neck line, so the mom can see what is going on but no one else can! Cool huh! You will see that the covers are called "Hooter Hiders" or "Bebe au Lait", the owners decided to make the same thing with two names, so if you feel you are too chic to wear a "Hooter Hider" you can wear a "Bebe au Lait instead" Fab!



Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

haha. love the name. too bad isa would never stand for it. that spirited little booger. i would have given my right boob just to try one of those on the most recent plane ride. one squirmy toddler plus creepy man in the next seat equals not so good nursing!

Isabel Aven and Sylvia Harper said...

oh and i just noticed your sherpani link... WORD on that! we LOVE ours. highly recommended.

susannah said...

Darcy - I work for this company & ZoloWear Slings (another MUST HAVE) so don't bother registering - I will send you one. And yes, they are great! You are looking good - I am happy Shelagh shared.