Wednesday, August 8, 2007

a little more.....

I posted the latest picture last night, and said a few words, mostly because when it gets to that time of night I feel like I am not running on all cylinders. For example, yesterday I had gone for a great hike with a friend, a hike that I have done many a time, but this time around it sorta felt like a mini marathon. I was rather shocked...or maybe not prepared to feel that way. I got home, feeling totally famished, because of course because I am pregnant I forget that nurtrients go to the baby and then must eat more....lesson learned...must store snacks in all areas, car, purse, house, office, etc. I decided to read up a little on the 18th week of pregnancy, well I did find that my heart is now working 50% harder now...well that would explain the mini marathon earlier in the day now wouldn't it. My uterus is the size of a cataloupe...that would explain my favorite jeans not really feeling the same way they did last week. And, one strange thing, my hair has been great! It has been rather full and having some volume, now that is not common for me at all! So, I found out that throughout my pregnancy I will not be losing any hair. You typically lose about 100 strands a day, not the case right now. Though, I was nicely warned by my hair stylist, once I stop breast feeding it is all over sister, it will all start falling out. All very interesting stuff.

I continue to feel really good, I have been very lucky and honored that this little one has been so good to me. I continue to send good vibes his/her way and he/she seems to give them in return. It is fun to share with friends and family through this process. Love and hugs to all!

1 comment:

pinehurstpair said...

So, pregnancy is the wonderful time to truly enjoy eating :-) Part of this is rationalization, and part is reality. You are eating for two....but you're also finding great reasons to enjoy special treats. Enjoy each day, kiddo. You are a beautiful, pregnant woman! I am so proud of you. ma